Friday, June 25, 2021


Drifting like a feather in and out of lives
but when do they ever stop
to wipe the bloodstains off it?
Trying to find the perfect corner,
perfect faults and crevices to fit in-
to be invisible,
but hold the walls together.
Screams never leave the throat,
words die before they fly away.
For once, would you ever stop to ask,
if told, would you ever understand?
This world I built for me
is slowly filling up
with the stories untold, tears choked
and I am the only one caught in the flood.
Drown or teach myself to swim.
It gets scary-
the pronoun I;
I am afraid to empty my thoughts,
what if I lose them,
what if the world did not hold them?
So put them with me,
we will be one
as heavy as the burden is,
I am sure they will be safe.
What if I leave my heart out
and it is scratched, bruised, and wounded
so I keep it in chains behind bars
so they will be safe for now.